(Invited) Significant Enhancement of High-Ns Electron Mobility in Ge n-MOSFETs with Atomically Flat Ge/GeO2 Interface
The rapid degradation of high-Ns electron mobility in Ge n-MOSFETs is still one of the greatest concerns in Ge CMOS technology. Although there are many possible origins so far considered, the degradation mechanism is still unclear in spite of its importance. In this work, we clarify wafer-related origins for electron mobility degradation in Ge n-MOSFETs. High-Ns electron mobility is dramatically improved thanks to (i) atomically flat Ge surface formation, followed by (ii) layer-by-layer oxidation. (iii) Oxygen-related neutral impurities in Ge substrates could be another origin of the mobility reduction on Ge wafers. By successfully eliminating these scattering sources in Ge n-MOSFETs, we demonstrate intrinsically high electron mobility in a wide range of Ns.
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